Summer 1 begins on Monday, 4/25/16

Summer 1 begins on Monday, 4/25/16

by Deleted user -
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Summer 1 courses begin Monday, April 25th.

Please view your course(s) by accessing your eSpire ( account and selecting the Academics tab.  Please take a moment to review your future term course(s). Course registrations are based on course availability which may differ by term.  If you find a discrepancy, please email and we will respond as soon as we are able. Your education is your responsibility

It is important to remember that tuition is due the first week of class.  Your balance can be viewed and paid in eSpire under “My Account Info”.  If you have questions about your balance you can contact in the business office at or 913.682.5151.  If you believe that this balance should have been paid by Financial Aid, please contact the Financial Aid at 913.682.5151 or  

Note: "W4A" =  Term ONE. "W4B" = Term TWO.  You will have Engage access by Saturday, 4/23/16.

Your attention is appreciated, 
Linder Gendron
#877-307-4915 x3
OSS Coordinator